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Writer's pictureJP Favre

7 UX lessons that Star Wars can teach us !

Welcome, dear reader, to an article that combines two of your favorite things: UX design and Star Wars! Yes, you read that right. We are going to explore what the epic space saga can teach us about creating a stellar user experience. And no, we are not going to tell you to add lightsabers to your website (although, let's be honest, that would be pretty cool). So, put on your Jedi robe, grab your Wookiee co-pilot, and let's take a journey to a galaxy far, far away (or at least to a better UX design).

Star Wars, UX and Lego, what else !

First of all, Yes i love LEGO, i am playing on a regular basis with my kid and as you can imagine, we have some star wars starships. i really like the way you can create, imagine, build and i really think that this little brick can bring lot of good things to us.

As a Data Artitst, I often find myself looking for inspiration from different sources, and one of the most inspiring sources is movies. Among the many movies that have impressed me, Star Wars is one that stands out. Not only is it a great movie series, but it is also an excellent example of how to create a successful user experience. But fear not, master the art of UX design, you will. To a galaxy far, far away, a journey we will take, hmm?

Let’s have a look at 7 lessons that Star Wars can teach us regarding UX.

7 UX Lessons from Star Wars

Lesson 1: A Galaxy of User Personas, Designing You Must

The Star Wars movies are renowned for their memorable characters, each with their own unique personalities, motivations, and backstory. In UX design, creating user personas is a way to apply this lesson.

First, let's take the character of Luke Skywalker. Luke is a classic example of a hero's journey, from a farm boy on Tatooine to a Jedi Knight who saves the galaxy. In UX design, Luke's journey can inspire the creation of a user persona for a beginner user who is just starting their journey towards mastering a new tool or technology. The beginner user may be overwhelmed by the complexity of the dashboard and need guidance to get started.

Next, let's consider the character of Princess Leia. Leia is a leader who is passionate about fighting for the freedom of her people. In UX design, Leia's motivation can inspire the creation of a user persona for a power user who is passionate about the product and is looking for advanced features and customization options to optimize their workflow.

Finally, let's look at the character of Han Solo. Han is a smuggler and rogue who is motivated by self-interest, but ultimately becomes a hero who fights for the greater good. In UX design, Han's journey can inspire the creation of a user persona for a casual user who is looking for a simple and easy-to-use product that meets their basic needs, but may not be interested in advanced features or customization.

By using these examples of character design from Star Wars, UX designers can create user personas that represent the different types of users who will interact with their products, and design products that meet their needs and motivations. This approach can lead to more engaging and effective user experiences, just like the memorable characters of Star Wars have captivated audiences for decades.


Lesson 2: Consistency maintain you must

One of the hallmarks of the Star Wars franchise is its consistency in terms of visual design and storytelling. From the iconic opening crawl to the distinctive sound of lightsabers, Star Wars has a unique aesthetic and style that has remained consistent across all of its movies, TV shows, and other media. This consistency helps to create a cohesive universe that audiences can immerse themselves in.

In UX design, consistency is also important. Users should be able to navigate a dashboard or website with ease, knowing that they can expect a consistent experience throughout. This means using the same design elements (such as fonts, colors, and icons) across all pages and ensuring that the user interface is intuitive and easy to use.

Consistency is key in your dashboard


Lesson 3 : Feedback, a powerful ally it can be

Another important UX principle that Star Wars can teach us is the value of feedback. In the movies, lightsabers emit a distinct hum when activated, giving the user immediate feedback that the weapon is ready to use. Similarly, blasters have a distinctive sound that lets users know when they have fired a shot.

In UX design, feedback is critical to helping users understand how a dashboard or webiste works. When users perform an action (such as clicking a button or filling out a form), they should receive immediate feedback that their action was successful. Same thing should happen when you need to create a password for a new platform, the system should be able to let you know what you are missing if they do not accept your need password. This can be done through visual cues (such as highlighting a button) or through audio feedback (such as a sound effect) or text information.

Blaster sound... love it


Lesson 4: The path of Clarity you must follow

In the Star Wars movies, the story is easy to follow. The characters' motivations are clear, and the plot is easy to understand, well almost. Maybe sometimes it could be a little bit confusing, but at the end of the day, it is ok. This clarity is essential in UX as well. Users should be able to understand what the dashboard does, how it works, and what they need to do to achieve their goals.

Clarity in UX can be achieved through the use of clear language (no jargon please), intuitive navigation, and visual cues. Clear language means using simple and concise language that is easy to understand. Intuitive navigation means creating a navigation system that is easy to use and allows users to find what they are looking for quickly. Visual cues mean using icons, buttons, and other visual elements that help users understand how to interact with the product.

make it simple and easy to use


Lesson 5: User feedback gather you must

In the Star Wars movies, the characters constantly give and receive feedback. This feedback helps them to improve their performance and achieve their goals. Think about all those moments between Yoda and Luke when Yoda is training Luke on Dagoba. Think about the regular exchange between Obi wan kenodi and Anakin. Feedback is really important and part of the plot.

User feedback helps designers to identify problems with the product and make necessary improvements. This feedback can be obtained through user testing, surveys, and feedback forms. User feedback can also help to identify new features or improvements that users would like to see in the product. I always recommend that when you launch a new dashboard, you can already set up a user feedback session 2 to 3 months in advance.

user feedback is important to move forward.


Lesson 6: Accessibility pay attention you must

Accessibility is another important UX principle that is exemplified in the Star Wars universe. For example, the character of C-3PO is designed to be easily understood by users who speak different languages. His distinctive design (including his gold plating and glowing eyes) helps to make him easily recognizable, even to viewers who don't speak English.

In UX design, accessibility is critical to ensuring that all users can access and use a website or app, regardless of their abilities. This means designing interfaces that are easy to read and navigate, and providing alternative formats (such as audio descriptions) for users with disabilities. Think about the typical red/green that we can find in every single dashboard. If you are using only colors and not shape to reinforce your message, a color blind people will just not able to use it. As a dashboard designer, our aim is to make it easier for all the different types of user and facilitate their work.

C-3PO can be really helpful


Lesson 7 : The power of story great it is

One of the reasons why Star Wars is so successful is that it engages the audience. The story, characters, and environment are all designed to keep the audience engaged and interested. At its core, the Star Wars movies are about engaging storytelling, with compelling characters, dramatic plot twists, and epic battles that capture the viewer's imagination

Storytelling means creating a story around the dashboard that engages the users emotionally. Gamification means adding game elements such as points, badges, and leaderboards to the product to make it more engaging. Think about your Garmin device that will reward you with points or badges when you run on a regular basis. Personalization means tailoring the product to the individual user's needs and preferences. Regarding those 3 ways that are focusing on engagement, the first one is the most important. i know that it may sound difficult but yes, your dashboard should tell a story to your user.

Storytelling is essential for all your projects



In conclusion, we've learned that the Force is strong with good UX design. By channeling the power of consistency, clear feedback, accessibility, and engaging storytelling, we can create dashboards that even a Jedi Master would be proud to use. So whether you're designing a lightsaber or a financial dashboard app, remember to keep these UX lessons in mind.

May the UX be with you and #maythefourth be with you always


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1 Comment

Sean Glaze
Sean Glaze
May 04, 2023

Love it JP. Good points and you speak good Yoda!

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